Friday, October 29, 2010

Sun publishes student letter. Bonus marks abound.

Thomas Steen? really?
Thomas Steen as East Kildonan’s city councillor?
As a recent homeowner in East Kildonan, I am now rethinking the move. Maybe I should go back to St. Boniface where I wasn’t embarrassed by my city councillor. I’m not really angry with Steen — he is what he is — but those 3,921 citizens in my ward who voted for Steen? I’ll be watching for them at my local 7-Eleven — and scowling. Hard.
Michelle Palansky

Steen won’t be any more embarrassing than the councillor he replaced.

1 comment:

  1. We will see all the city councillors in action, or in inaction, at a council meeting assignment in Semester 2.
