Monday, November 1, 2010


 this is my new favourite Halloween/music parody movie suck
 It is a simple story of a down and out rock band that makes it big by turning into vampires.

At the end, I have more questions than answers:
Why does this movie not suck? It has all the right ingredients including, silly premise, terrible iconic rocker actors, ridiculous effects, but still I think this movie finds the exactly the right amount of suck.
The main actors are excellent, many of the prostheses are awesome, and Moby drips with meat blood (and he is a vegan).

Watch for Winnipeg boy Paul Anthony who is the bass player in the band.

Cameos abound including Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, Malcolm McDowel, Dave Foley, and many many more.

Can not recommend this too strongly. Check it out.

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