Wednesday, October 27, 2010

social network this

I know this post is later than everyone else - I have had a death in the family and I am living the dark side of the social contract.


The only question I have about this movie is why is this a movie? That is what I kept asking myself through out my viewing. Not -  WHY GOD WHY? Just a simple bewildered why?

I get the college partying, I sort of get the legal feuding - these have worked in other movies so why wouldn't they work here?

Maybe it's not the subject matter, maybe it's the movie itself. I think this could have made a good movie, maybe? But it seemed like the producer/director/writer thought - good enough. Everything was just good enough. There was no startlingly interesting point of view, or creative take on the story. It was just fine. Good. OK.

And you know what? They were right. This movie is good enough to make millions at the box office. Good for them - I guess.

As for my reaction to Tiffany Derville Gallicano, Ph.D.'s post on Zuckerberg's pr response to the movie:
I mean, yes, it is interesting to get a historical perspective on how gazillionaires react to unflattering media. I guess.
I don't know, I didn't care about Zuckerberg before, I don't care about him now. So there you go.

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