Friday, March 4, 2011

appendix free since 2011

I've gone my entire life without surgery and in the last year I have had two: one for my clavicle, and one on the 19th of February for my appendix. This is crazy - it's like everything is conspiring to make my first year in CreComm as difficult as possible - ah well, so it is.

I have one more surgery coming up in the next month or two to remove my thyroid and then I think I'd like to be done for awhile.

I am just not a good patient - I am cranky, impatient, and I hate having to depend on others to do the most basic things - the drugs are OK though.

I have noticed that all this drama has once again upset my equilibrium - I am oversensitive with everyone, impatient with imperfections, generally a bit of a mess.


I am taking this Friday to regroup myself and get my PR project done.

Everything is going to be just fine.
Everything is going to be just fine.
Everything is going to be just fine. 

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