Monday, February 14, 2011

facebook vs. twitter = apples and aardvarks

facebook and twitter - for me - are like two friends in a social group that have almost nothing in common but keep showing up at all the same parties. People often refer to F and T as though they are one and the same - social media - but for me they could not be more different.

Facebook is for friends - mainly for keeping track of my friends' shows. I never accept a friend invite from someone I don't know and I rarely change my status. Facebook is kinda done for me actually - I am not interested in status updates, I dislike quizzes made up by 10 year olds, and poking is soooo ova. The only reason I even keep my profile is for the event invites.

I am surprised at how much I like Twitter. The bitesize bits of information are absolutely delicious. I like that I can get a taste of information and if it is particularly delectable there is usually a link I can follow to pursue the matter further. Nice! High five!

Someone I appreciate on Facebook is a friend who sends out clear invites in a timely fashion. 

Someone I appreciate on Twitter delivers succinct bits of information that I can follow up on with a link if I am sufficiently intrigued - I think Bartley Kives is particularly good at this. I used to follow Roger Ebert, but he fills his tweets with eBay items and lusting after young actors that frankly gives me the willies.

For strategic purposes I think that Facebook is great for delivering information about events to your friends and interested parties - harder to get the word out to people who are not already your friends. Twitter is great for making lots of new "friends". The trick is to keep them interested with tasty tidbits of information - every day. The key word is tasty - people will keep following your tweets if you keep them to a minimum, tweet every day, and give value - tweet interesting information that people can follow up on with links if they so desire.

so saith Michelle

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