Thursday, January 6, 2011

Big fat deal.

This is the latest installment on the continuing saga of my Graves disease.

This is some crazy yo-yo condition. Last month I was pretty lethargic, and when I saw my endocrinologist he told me that my thyroid numbers had plummeted and I needed a new medication to bring up my levels. So now I am taking drugs to keep my thyroid levels down and bring them up as well - say what???

As an added bonus, and a thank you for playing our game, I gained 10 pounds in one month. A new record high!!! Whoo! Ya!

I am now 190 pounds which is 10 pounds shy of my heaviest weight ever.

It is so disappointing for me. Over a decade ago, I lost all of my extra weight and maintained it for years. I vowed never to get this heavy again.

I do not feel in control of my body and it is very disconcerting. I have trouble looking in the mirror or being on camera, and my clothes don't fit. Blaaa!

To add fuel to the fire, my brother is gettting married at the end of February and I don't know if I will be able to fit into the bridesmaid gown.  I am also really looking forward to seeing all of my relatives so they can tell me how fat I look. Yay!

People close to me are being amazingly supportive (special shout out to the most excellent boyfriend) and I am really striving to keep my sense of humor about the whole thing. So I am fatter than I would like to be, so what? Me and millions of other Canadians - big deal.

The good news is that the new medicine is working and I am feeling much less lethargic.
So positive thoughts, work on things I can control, screw the rest.

Happy 2011 everyone!

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