Thursday, May 5, 2011

end of the line

the last thing I needed to do was check on my eyes with eye doctor to see if there was any permanent damage to my left eye after all of the pressure from my unchecked thyroid condition - turns out everything is fine. My eyes are showing no damage at all aside from dryness. Yay!

that brings me to the end of this blog. My thyroid is gone, the synthetic thryoid seems to be working well, the surgery is still healing but I am able to do cardio exercise and yoga, and I am well on my way back.

I had an interview the other day and I felt like my old self ( a little nervous but mostly confident and articulate) Phew! It was just last year that I had a job interview where I was a wreck - shaking, heart racing, stumbling, eye streaming...I thought that I was having some sort of breakdown but it turned out that I was just metabolizing everything too fast because my thyroid was out of control.

Unbelievable what a difference a year makes.

Thank goodness for great doctors and excellent surgeons and the constant kind and sensitive care of Andrew.

I felt that this blog kind of got muddy because of the number of school assignments I was obliged to post. Next school year I will create a blog specifically for school posts if required. I am not going to post to this blog anymore. I need to think about what I want to write about on a daily/weekly basis. I will forward the new address of my fresh blog when I have something together.

Wishing everyone a great spring.

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