Friday, February 11, 2011

the writer and the publisher

I think a lot about getting published.
Not all the time.
Not as much as pizza or sex or homework.
But I think about it.
Dream about it.
Imagine receiving awards at black tie ceremonies...

This year for my IPP I am likely writing a play.
I will not try to get it published.
What I will do is try to get a theatre company to pick it up for their season.
If a professional company performs my show, then I have a much much much better chance of publishing my work.

If I can't convince a company to pick up my show, then I really love the idea of turning my piece into a radio drama and recording it as a podcast - at least it'll have some legs.

What I love most about the CC program is the ideas I am gathering about self-marketing. I hope that by the end of my two years, I will have enough tools in marketing utility belt to get out into the world and make something really happen.


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